Tuesday, December 9, 2008

New Blogs etc

I started blogging this election cycle as a way to support Senator McCain for President. Now that race has ended, I'm interested in blogging at different sites for different purposes. I will continue my original site Broad Side of the Barn as a light hearted site with some useful resources, however, it is in serious need of updating. Blog topics typically will fall under the heading of internet or politics, but other topics will be addressed as well. Some of these sites are derivatives of ones set up during the election, many of them still need significant work. Here are the blogs I plan on posting to and developing at this time. Thank you for visiting.

Experimental Blogging Trial and Error Site
StatesLocal Theme
Surround the Web Random
Purple People Vote The old version Purple People Vote
Divied Up Random
Cracked Back Random
Linked the Web Random
Web Driven Web Topics
U.S. Independent Politics - Independent
Circle the Web Random
Blog Gobbers Fun / Random
Practical 1 PoliticsPolitics
More PolsPolitics
Independent VotersPolitics
Local Republican RacesPolitics...only if contributors want it to continue
Indie-Site Politics / Independent
McCain Blogger Resources Internet? - Form? - Maybe?
Battleground States 08Politics
Web InquiryInternet
Independent VotersPolitics / Independent
Who Do I Vote For?Politics
Round FourRandom
Broad Side of the Barn StoreInternet / Sales - Affiliate Programs
Change Candidates Politics
Scienceless Tech and Science Interest
Fiscally Conservative Socially Moderate Independents Politics / Independent
BroadSideoftheBa... Humor Random
The Online VolunteerPhilanthropy
Blue Collar VotersPolitics
Independent Voter ResourcePolitics / Independent
Rambling WebPhilanthropy
In New HampshireNH Local

Here are a variety of other sites of interest. The Maine Tool Room, Dr. Dog Health Care, Blogs for Victory, USA.gov, Network for Good, The Red Cross, The Smithsonian, Zannel, AARA News Service, Real Clear Politics, Joe Lieberman, Righty Blogs

New Blogs etc

I started blogging this election cycle as a way to support Senator McCain for President. Now that race has ended, I'm interested in blogging at different sites for different purposes. I will continue my original site Broad Side of the Barn as a light hearted site with some useful resources, however, it is in serious need of updating. Blog topics typically will fall under the heading of internet or politics, but other topics will be addressed as well. Some of these sites are derivatives of ones set up during the election, many of them still need significant work. Here are the blogs I plan on posting to and developing at this time. Thank you for visiting.

Experimental Blogging Trial and Error Site
StatesLocal Theme
Surround the Web Random
Purple People Vote The old version Purple People Vote
Divied Up Random
Cracked Back Random
Linked the Web Random
Web Driven Web Topics
U.S. Independent Politics - Independent
Circle the Web Random
Blog Gobbers Fun / Random
Practical 1 PoliticsPolitics
More PolsPolitics
Independent VotersPolitics
Local Republican RacesPolitics...only if contributors want it to continue
Indie-Site Politics / Independent
McCain Blogger Resources Internet? - Form? - Maybe?
Battleground States 08Politics
Web InquiryInternet
Independent VotersPolitics / Independent
Who Do I Vote For?Politics
Round FourRandom
Broad Side of the Barn StoreInternet / Sales - Affiliate Programs
Change Candidates Politics
Scienceless Tech and Science Interest
Fiscally Conservative Socially Moderate Independents Politics / Independent
BroadSideoftheBa... Humor Random
The Online VolunteerPhilanthropy
Blue Collar VotersPolitics
Independent Voter ResourcePolitics / Independent
Rambling WebPhilanthropy
In New HampshireNH Local

Here are a variety of other sites of interest. The Maine Tool Room, Dr. Dog Health Care, Blogs for Victory, USA.gov, Network for Good, The Red Cross, The Smithsonian, Zannel, AARA News Service, Real Clear Politics, Joe Lieberman, Righty Blogs